US En . This takes some time. My professional program just released the 8915-F yesterday so TT will be coming sometime soon. But after maybe 15 years with Turbo Tax, I am considering switching companies. Have used TT Deluxe for 19 years. For coronavirus-related distributions, see Form 8915-F. It has been moved up a week. Name. ”. Repayments of current and prior year qualified disaster distributions. . The federal taxes withheld on the 2020 Form 1099-R was only entered on the 2020 tax return as a tax payment in 2020. If married, file a separate form for each spouse required to file 2022 Form 8915-D. Form 8915-F has been pushed out yet another week, 3/9/22. If you receive an audit letter from the IRS or State Department of Revenue based on your 2022 TurboTax individual tax return, we will provide one-on-one question-and-answer support with a tax. In the pop-up window Tool Center, select "Delete a form". It's just showing my W2 income. It's there but it's not there. So Tom's estimate that started this thread is no longer correct. February 18, 2022 11:15 AM. Form 8915-F has been issued by the IRS for over one week now. This form will be used for anyone who chose to take a distribution from their retirement and spread the taxable amount over three years. "Form 8915-F is a forever form" and. Revised: 02/2022 General Instructions Future Developments The IRS Form 8915-F Qualified Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Retirements is estimated to be finalized and available in TurboTax on 02/16/2023 January 12, 2023 3:02 PM 2 Reply Bookmark Icon corle001 Level 2 Thanks. If you did not split the 2020 distribution you do not need the form 8915-F. This form will be used for anyone who chose to take a distribution from their retirement and spread the taxable amount over three years. If the form becomes available sooner than the currently published date, the article will be updated to reflect the new availability date. Level 3. Guide to head of household. 2020 Form 8915E Line 17 - Enter 1/3 of the amount from the 2020 distribution in both boxes for Line 17. Click on the "Search" on the top and type “1099-R”. Open TurboTax. Fill out 1099-R Worksheet with same payer information as original distribution 4. In the left menu, select "Tax Tools" and then "Tools". If married, file a separate form for each spouse required to file Form 8915-F. @Anonymous it could also be a question on a Turbo Tax support website where a lot of frustrated users and former users are sharing info on who has the form available since Turbo Tax isn't doing anything about it. File taxes with no income. Since 8915-F is a multi-year form, the preparer needs to indicate the year for which the form is applicable. I'm going to wager that the forms availability chart has just not been updated, and probably just added 2 weeks to the original release date given by IRS. 2020 Form 8915E Line 17 - Enter 1/3 of the amount from the 2020 distribution in both boxes for Line 17. 0. 1, Pensions, IRA Distributions. Before it let's me move on, this warning pops up. The software has consistently been saying that this form will be available to file by mail and e-file on 02/16/2023. Attach to 2022 Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR. Check the box that this was a Coronavirus-related distribution reported in 2020. 4/25/2022 - HR Block says form 8915-F is supported by the online version (misleading - will not allow UNLESS you hire for a taxpro review at an additional whopping $89!), or in a Block office. At first the TurboTax response was the form was not issued final. It may not be until sometime in March 2022 before the form is available from the IRS and also finalized in the TurboTax software. The Form 8915-F, Qualified Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Retirements for tax year 2021 is estimated to be available in TurboTax on 03/31/2022. Print it and mail it. Open or continue your return in TurboTax. The same Form 8915-F will be used for distributions for 2020 and later disasters and for each year of reporting of income and repayments of those distributions. Beginning in 2021, additional alphabetical Forms 8915 (that is, Form 8915-G, Form 8915-H, etc. and Form 8915-F for the. Form 2848. It will take a bit of time before the form and instructions for using the form can be incorporated into the TurboTax. So far, so good. Open or continue your return in TurboTax. This assumes you are spreading the payments over three years. You may view Form 8915-F at Tax Tools / Print Center / Print, save or preview this year's return / Include government and TurboTax worksheets. Taxes. If you are on the desktop version, go in the right corner and click forms. You can search by TurboTax product and for IRS or state-specific forms. Below is the actual blurb provided by Turbotax. • You made a repayment for 2022 of a qualified 2019 disaster distribution. This is the last year I will use Turbo Tax-It's a rip off. United States. Form 8915-F I form 8915-F I mistakenly checked that I received a distribution in 2022. Agreed MER, and disappointed that they marked this question as solved. Click on the "Search" on the top and type “1099-R”. Save as PDF. Not only have I been using TurboTax for over a decade so part of what I pay for is having access to all of my prior years taxes, but like many others I already paid TurboTax for this years taxes and have them completed and ready to go with the exception of this form. Form 8915-F will be available on March 24, 2022. Open or continue your return in TurboTax. The IRS Form 8915-F and the instructions for the form are still in draft mode at the IRS. When the IRS Form 8915-F is available in TurboTax the questions for 1/3 of the 2020 distribution will be asked in the Retirement Income section of the program. Is Form 8915-F available for tax year 2022 in TurboTax? Where are you seeing March 9th mine stull. New. Release of Exemption for Child of Divorced Parents. Been waiting since 2/16/22. Open or continue your return in TurboTax. Hope there are thousands more like me that will never use Turbo Tax AGAIN!TT leads you to believe 8915 is ready to go by letting you plug in the numbers. For 2022, Form 8915-F will be used to replace Form 8915-E, which was used to report the 2020 COVID-related distribution. I agree, this is completely unacceptable. In the pop-up window Tool Center, select "Delete a form". The watermark has been removed and Form 8915-F is available for e-file as of February 4, 2022. OMB No. Put the info into 1099r with the one third amount and tell them you cannot filed the form untill 8915F is finish but at least they wi;l; know the answer on the tax return. Now you are frustrated, but you wait and wait and wait. There is no official date that has been announced yet by the official department. Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe;. While they may be available from the IRS on a given date, we need a few days to make the forms available for use in TurboTax. If you have a line C entry that needs to be deleted then please delete both "Form 8915-F" and "Qualified 2020 Disaster Retirement Distr" and then go back to the retirement section and reenter the information:. They'll do it for free in about an hour, they can e-file both federal and state, and there is no requirement to be a member of AARP (or be AARP-eligible, even). March 24, 2022 9:57 AM. Individuals pay hard earned money for your services, the least you can do is provide consumers back with a timely fully reliable product. The distribution is not reflected in box 5a. Then follow the instructions. The current estimated date the Form 8915-F will be available is 03/09/2023. Form 8915-F, Qualified Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Retirements will be available on 03/31/2022. Name. Starting in tax year 2022, the IRS supports Form 8915-F as an e-file form. CARES ACT clause - there is NOTHING in the UI /. But, the expected date of release could be March 2, 2022. Go to for instructions and the latest information. H&R doesn't support 8915-f, but if you decide to mail in your tax return, you can download the form from the IRS, fill it out. They are way more expensive to file than Freetaxusa. Select "Delete" next to "Form 8915-F" and "Qualified 2020 Disaster Retirement Distr" and follow the instructions. Click on the "Search" on the top and type “1099-R”. Right now, -B, -C and -D show draft updates from 2021 not Released, and -F shows draft update from 2022 not Released. Some tax returns take longer to process than others for many reasons, including when a return: Includes a claim filed for an Earned Income Tax Credit or an Additional Child Tax Credit. Start completing the fillable fields and carefully type in required information. Been waiting since 2/16/22. If the 2020 distribution was from an account that was Not an IRA. Attachment Sequence No. The third installment. Great news! The IRS created new Form 8915-F to replace Form 8915-E. New. available. 01-25-2022 05:01 PM. Well bottom-line is the form isn't available because the IRS dragged their feet and didn't release it until 2 weeks ago. 0. Qualified 2021 and later disaster distributions, Qualified 2020 disaster distributions made in 2021 or 2022, Repayments of qualified 2020 and later disaster distributions,By the way the date for availability of 8915-f on Turbo tax is now 3/24. This is exceedingly disappointing to have a release date of 3/31/2022 when the update came from the IRS on 2/11/2022. Find the form listed and click Delete to the right. I also am waiting for results from the IRS. Form 8915 - Intuit Accountants Community. Why and when will it be available? US En . 2022 Turbotax Form 8915F-T - Cannot e-file - Page 4. TIPWhen Will 8915 E Be Available Turbotax 2022? Like last year, the form was available at the end of February; this year, the people expect it to release around the first week of March 2022. It also seems to indicate no E-FILING for the 8915F form this year. ” See Names of disasters and distributions next. Now, Form 8915-F will be a multi-year form for at least 2021 and 2022. • You received in 2020 or 2021 a qualified 2019 disaster distribution that you are including in income in equal amounts over 3 years. AARP Foundation Tax Aide uses TaxSlayer, and the version they use supports Form 8915-F for the scenario you describe. Application for IRS ITIN. The general consensus is to wait for proseries to release the form on 3/17 . How can that be when the IRS has not released the form yet. That usually takes 2-3 weeks after the paper form is finalized. Example 2. Click on the "Search" on the top and type “1099-R”. Is Form 8915-F available for tax year 2022 in TurboTax? US En . Then as a last resort they told you what to do if you were unable to fix it using the detailed instructions. TaxAct also didn’t have form. 2022 Turbotax Form 8915F-T - Cannot e-file. In the pop-up window Tool Center, select "Delete a form". Back. 2. THEN they have to go back to the IRS to get approval to use it in an e-file application. Open or continue your return in TurboTax. Form 8915-F is a forever form. Click on Delete a form. 0 3,609 Reply. kakusters58. Level 8. Small business taxes. Qualified Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Retirements is scheduled to be available in TurboTax on 03/24/2022. This is not required on a Form 8915-F for a Coronavirus-related distribution. Turbo tax. In the left menu, select "Tax Tools" and then "Tools". Open or continue your return in TurboTax. Form 8332. To update: If you're on a PC, open TurboTax and select Check for Updates from the Online menu near the top. Bookmark Icon. Upon filing, TT will then notify you that there is an IRS issue with Form 8915 and your taxes cannot be filed until X date. Form 5884-A. New. ” (Period) listed under FEMA number that automatically transfers to your 8915 “F” form. says March 2 February 28, 2023. Today the software says available to file by mai. Select "Delete" next to "Form 8915-F" and "Qualified 2020 Disaster Retirement Distr" and follow the instructions. Capital Gains and Losses Worksheet: Capital Gains and Losses. The next screen will show a review of your Fees, click on. Search instead for . I need to delete that but can't find how to get cmvack to it. Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative. You may be able to claim a causality loss by gong to; Federal>Deductions and Credits. It was very late being released (March 24th) which was causing delays for taxpayers who needed the form to complete their tax returns. United States. In the left menu, select "Tax Tools" and then "Tools". " Integrations. It was recently (this week) taken out of draft and finalized. In prior tax years, Form 8915-E allowed you to spread the taxable part of the distribution over three years. 3. Open or continue your return in TurboTax. Form 8915-F I form 8915-F I mistakenly checked that I received a distribution in 2022. First, with any guided tax prep service, you are technically self-preparing your taxes. PT. In the pop-up window Tool Center,. Form 9000 . The Form 8915-E was only for tax year 2020.